About Us
The Welland-Port Colborne Concert Association offers online subscription and single ticket sales on our website at www.wpccaconcert.org Simply click on the website, click on Tickets and follow the links. We will continue to offer an Early Bird special for subscriptions to encourage you to join us. If you do not have access to a computer and printer then Anne may be able to assist you. Additionally, we offer a special rate for students. Students can purchase a ticket to all 6 concerts in our season for only $30 or pay $15 for individual tickets.
Did you know the cost of your ticket that includes HST and service charges, also funds an annual $5000 contribution to improvements to the Auditorium and other areas of Centennial; an annual scholarship of $500 to a graduating Centennial student associated with the performing arts or hospitality; and a concert, workshop or experience opportunity for students?
As a subscriber to the series you are also a member of the Welland-Port Colborne Concert Association. Members may attend the annual meeting which is held on the 1st Wednesday of June at 7:30 pm at the Welland Community Centre.
We continue to make the performing arts accessible to the community by offering you an eclectic mix of concerts that feature predominantly Canadian artists. Where else can you purchase admission to 6 concerts of outstanding quality and value, travel locally to a beautiful theatre and incur no parking fees?
How do we achieve this remarkable goal? We are a non-profit organization run by a team of dedicated volunteers who strive to keep the performing arts affordable to the broadest possible audience.
Your feedback is important to us so keep in touch. I can be reached at rosbattye@cogeco.ca or (905) 685 9983
We look forward to you joining us again in the future.
Rosamund Battye, Artistic Director
The Welland Port Colborne Concert Association acknowledges the land on which the Dr. J.M. Ennis Auditorium is located, is the traditional territory of the Haudenosaunee, Anishinaabe and the Mississaugas of the Credit first Nation peoples, many of whom continue to live and work here today. This territory is covered by the Upper Canada Treaties and is within the land protected by the Dish With One Spoon Wampum agreement. Today this area is home to many First Nations, Métis, and Inuit peoples and acknowledging them reminds us that our great standard of living is directly related to the resources and friendship of Indigenous peoples.
The Welland Port Colborne Concert Association is a member of the Ontario Classical Music Network (OCMN). The network was formed to facilitate information-sharing and mutual support among volunteer-run music-presenting organizations who are committed to bringing high-quality classical music to their Ontario communities. We encourage Niagara area residents planning to travel to any of these communities to explore the classical music offerings of these OCMN member organizations: